nedelja, 9. junij 2013


rneerkat: rneerkat: what if your eyebrows are two lovers that dream of one day being a unibrow so...



what if your eyebrows are two lovers that dream of one day being a unibrow so they can finally be together

thats the quickest ive lost a follower

friendlyangryfeminist: catandkitty: like take ten seconds to ask yourself why men are so invested...



like take ten seconds to ask yourself why men are so invested in promoting ways to "avoid rape" rather than teaching men not to rape from an early age


I mean, a big obvious part is men do this is so that even if they're Good Men get to think in the back of their minds "she must've been doing something wrong, my daughter/wife/sister would know better than that*"

*which of course, ignores the fact that some men will assault "their" women regularly. 

A heart that's harder than stone.

A heart that's harder than stone.


alchemy: mr-cappadocia: alchemy: there are many men who genuinely believe that women make fake...




there are many men who genuinely believe that women make fake rape claims on a regular basis, men who believe that fake rape claims are common enough to merit discussion of them any time a person speaks up about the realities of sexual assault and the possible social or cultural structures that enable it

a large number of these men often claim that the women who lie about being raped are women who simply "regret their choices" - women who consent to anonymous sex, rough sex, drunk sex, then pretend it was rape because they don't want to be honest about their desires, because they are afraid of being considered sluts for their sexual activity

it's funny how even though these men are so adamant that fake claims of rape are rampant, and that such claims are largely caused by the stigma of female sexual impurity, these men almost never actively acknowledge the problem of slut-shaming, vocally work to dismantle the purity myth, or call out other men for upholding the virgin/whore dichotomy

and by funny i mean sad. really really sad.

Let me see if I understand this right… You're of the view that the issue isn't that women have made false rape claims that have resulted in men being put into prison for years… men being financially and emotionally destroyed… and men flat out being murdered…

The real problem, in your eyes, is that someone might call a woman somewhere a slut?

no, you did not understand what i said

false rape claims resulting in men being financially and emotionally destroyed are problem

slut-shaming is also a problem

and i personally don't understand how a person who truly believes that the problem of slut-shaming contributes to the problem of women making false rape claims that destroy men's lives…can be a person who doesn't actively work to prevent slut-shaming

i love how it’s always THE POOR MENZ LIFE WAS RUINED BY JAIL!!!!

and it’s never ever “that woman’s life was shattered by the trauma of the rape and the residual ptsd”

it’s NEVER EVER that. it’s always poor poor dudes having to go to jail

how about

fuck you

grow a brain

flirting: do you cry when you listen to brand new

flirting: do you cry when you listen to brand new


she is so perfect ._.

she is so perfect ._.

alchemy: there are many men who genuinely believe that women make fake rape claims on a regular...


there are many men who genuinely believe that women make fake rape claims on a regular basis, men who believe that fake rape claims are common enough to merit discussion of them any time a person speaks up about the realities of sexual assault and the possible social or cultural structures that enable it

a large number of these men often claim that the women who lie about being raped are women who simply "regret their choices" - women who consent to anonymous sex, rough sex, drunk sex, then pretend it was rape because they don't want to be honest about their desires, because they are afraid of being considered sluts for their sexual activity

it's funny how even though these men are so adamant that fake claims of rape are rampant, and that such claims are largely caused by the stigma of female sexual impurity, these men almost never actively acknowledge the problem of slut-shaming, vocally work to dismantle the purity myth, or call out other men for upholding the virgin/whore dichotomy

and by funny i mean sad. really really sad.

"Not every white person is a racist, but the genius of racism is that you don't have to participate..."

"Not every white person is a racist, but the genius of racism is that you don't have to participate to enjoy the spoils. If you're white, you can be completely oblivious, passively accepting the status quo, and reap the rewards."

- Mychal Denzel Smith, "White People Have to Give Up Racism"

laugh-addict: im still trying to get over the fact that oranges are pre-sliced by nature


im still trying to get over the fact that oranges are pre-sliced by nature


madmenworld: Joan Holloway, by Maria Danalakis


Joan Holloway, by Maria Danalakis

Tbh I ain’t got no time for people hating on the kardashian family. Watching their show...

Tbh I ain’t got no time for people hating on the kardashian family. Watching their show completely opened my eyes to what a wonderful family they are. Maybe they’re rich as fuck and spoiled as fuck but they love each other to death and none of them have been in trouble with the law or done crazy shenanigans or whatever the hell. Nope nope nope I’m team kardashian and haters can s my d

fillinthe———-: zombiemovies: those things...



those things are all so delightful

but idk why is it like 'here's nice things in case you're not getting laid'

as if sex is the be all and end all 'best feeling'?

Well considering how immature and male dominated society is, everyone would say "sex"…

lmao tbh sex wouldn't be on my top 20 even so


but if ppl wanna do the sex all of the times then ~rock on i guess

22roots: parishiltonsexslave: i wanna scream and shout and let...



i wanna scream and shout and let it all out

a person was paid to think this photo up

there was a lighting designer who worked on this photo

somebody did her makeup

these people were paid

flutterlings: the whole yahoo/tumblr thing is rly just like when a single dad marries a new woman...


the whole yahoo/tumblr thing is rly just like when a single dad marries a new woman and the kids get rebellious and are like "YOU'RE NOT MY REAL MOM"

Cute Asians




can i have one? preferably a female (im straight ha)

We're people, not toys we can "have"






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